Friday 19 July 2013

The Beauty of Giving Yourself Flowers

I wrote on Facebook the other day: Trip to Ninewells (hospital) good part: hunky young doctor with beautiful smile and caring attitude, articulate and dare I say hit the spot. Downside suspected diagnosis of secondary Reynaud's, connective tissue disease and other lovely auto immune lovelies! Away to buy myself flowers. I did just that, peonies and carnations, beautiful colours of pink and purple to complement one another.

Buying these flowers gave me a number of things; Most of all I was giving to star! I took the time to arrange them and this brought me into the present moment the beauty of the flowers made me mindful and being mindful is healthy and needed for well being. I was not worrying about how the diagnosis would progress, my next appointment nor treatments to be decided upon or I would have freaked myself out...being in the moment allowed me to just be, just breath, feel vulnerable and release any fears.  felt content and relaxed....wonderful 'feelings' to experience particularly after a trip to a hospital. I also felt hope in despite everything, it would be OK...which is a  choice. I choose to acknowledge what the hunky young doctor told me, my feelings around this but I did not dwell on them...a huge turning point for me. I choose to buy myself flowers and moved on. If we want a Sublime Lifestyle we have to create it even amidst the challenges with our thoughts, feelings and actions. what will you create today even amidst your challenges?